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2014-09-03 16:25:00 中国质量新闻网

  上海机场出入境检验检疫局卫生监督处,上海 201207

  摘要:目的  了解上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生状况,进一步提升口岸卫生监督效能。方法 采用现场调查方法对上海空港口岸内使用集中空调通风系统的公共场所空调通风系统卫生管理情况进行调查,并对部分场所污染情况进行卫生检测。结果 上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调卫生通风系统冷却水及冷凝水全部合格,个别场所微生物污染较严重,部分公共场所集中空调从未开展过风管清洗工作,一些公共场所卫生管理存在误区,自律意识较差,国境口岸公共场所集中空调卫生监督管理工作亟待规范。结论 应尽快建立健全国境口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生监督法制环境,制定监督规范及技术标准。引导企业加强自律,严格落实卫生管理,逐步提高上海空港口岸公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生管理水平,维护口岸卫生安全。


  中图分类号:R126.4  文献标识码:B

  Analysis on hygienic status of centralized air conditioning

  in public places of Shanghai airport

  LU Wen-jing, TAN Yi-yun, HUAN Cheng-rong

  Shanghai Airport Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Shanghai 201207, China

  Abstract: Objective  To understand the status of hygienicmanagement of centralized air ventilation system in public placesat Shanghai airport, and to strengthen the efficiency of sanitarysupervision at Entry and Exit ports. Methods  A questionnaireabout the status of hygienic management of air ventilation systemwas conducted on public places at Shanghai airport and wherecentralized air ventilation system were used, and a hygienic testwas conducted on some of the sites as well at Shanghai airport.Results  The qualified rate of cooling  water orcondensate in these public places was 100%, and very few of thesecentralized air ventilation system got serious microorganismpollution. Some of the centralized air ventilation system weren’tcleaned. Some public places misunderstood about hygienic managementand were lack of self-discipline consciousness. The sanitarysupervision of centralized air ventilation system in public placesat ports of Entry and Exit needed to be regulated urgently.Conclusion  The legal environment of sanitary supervision ofcentralized air ventilation system in public places at ports ofEntry and Exit should be establishing and improving as soon aspossible. The hygienic management level of centralized airventilation system in public places should be improved step by stepunder guidance of enterprise self-discipline and hygienicmanagement practice, in order to protect ports of Entry and Exitsanitary and safety.

  Key words: Airport; Public place; Centralized air conditioning;Hygienic status




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