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2014-05-15 14:05:08 中国质量新闻网

  1. 丽水出入境检验检疫局, 浙江 丽水323000; 2. 丽水市疾病预防控制中心; 3. 浙江省疾病预防控制中心

  摘要:目的   通过调查丽水口岸出境人员鼠疫F1抗体感染途径及其原因分析,掌握丽水口岸出境人员鼠疫F1抗体阳性人群分布情况。方法   从2005年至2012年出境人员留样血清中,随机选择不同年龄的出境人员5?278份血清样本进行鼠疫Fl抗体间接血凝试验; 对阳性者进行流行病学调查。结果  5?278份不同年龄的出境人员的血清样本中, 采用间接血凝试验检测鼠疫Fl抗体, 阳性样本3份, 阳性率为0.057%。阳性者中,男性2例, 女性1例; 年龄最小58岁, 最大74岁; 对阳性者进行流行病学个案调查, 除1例为历史鼠疫幸存者,其他均无明显的临床指征, 但都有不同程度蚤类等叮咬史。结论   人群血清中鼠疫F1抗体血凝阳性和鼠疫历史疫区有关,并在人血清中检获高滴度鼠疫F1抗体。F1抗体阳性者不一定是现患鼠疫病人, 不一定存在传染性, 但在鼠疫静息期加强鼠疫F1抗体监测,可对鼠疫感染起到预警作用。

  关键词:鼠疫; F1抗体; 出境人员; 流行病学; 调查; 分析

  中图分类号:R516.8   文献标识码:B

  Analysis on results of plague F1 antibody positive among exitpersonnel at Lishui port

  MA Hui-jun*, FU Sheng-yong, HE Xiao-xiang, WANG Cai-shu, LANYu-qing, MEI Jian-hua, SHI Guo-xiang

  *Lishui Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Lishui,Zhejiang 323000, China

  Abstract:   Objective   According to theepidemiological investigation of appearance and cause of Lishuiexit personnel with plague F1 antibody, and to master thepopulation distribution of exit personnel with plague F1 antibodypositive at Lishui port.   Methods   A total of 5?278serum were randomly selected for plague F1 antibody by IHA, whichwere from exit personnel of different ages during 2005 to 2012, andthe epidemiological investigation was conducted in positivesamples. Results   Among the 5?278 sera of exit personnel fromdifferent ages by IHA are, three copies of plague Fl antibody werepositive. In which, two cases were male and one case was female.The youngest person was 58 years old and the oldest was 74 yearsold. Except a plague survivor with a known history, others had noobvious clinical indications. However, they both had differentdegrees of biting history by fleas.   Conclusion   PlagueF1 antibody-positive in human serum is relevant to the history ofplague epidemic, and high titers in plague F1 antibody were seizedin human serum. The F1 antibody-positive people are not or recentpatients infected with plague bacteria, which do not exist withinfectious immunity. To strengthen the monitoring plague F1antibody during the plague resting period, which may play a role inearly warning.

  Key words:   Plague; F1 Antibody ; Exit personnel;Epidemiological; Investigation; Analysis《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》2014年2期




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