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2014-09-03 16:24:07 中国质量新闻网

  1.江苏国际旅行卫生保健中心镇江分中心,江苏 镇江 201008;2.江苏出入境检验检疫局

  摘要:目的  探索出国劳务人员输入性疟疾综合干预新模式。方法 根据全国、江苏省和镇江市2006-2013年的疟疾疫情和特点,将赴非洲疟疾疫区的劳务人员作为研究对象,分为干预组和对照组。干预过程分为出国前医学咨询,出国期间防控技术辅导,回国后追踪调查3个阶段。比较两组人员疟疾知识提高情况、在国外期间和回国后的疟疾罹患率差别情况,评价干预效果。结果 干预组健康教育前后疟疾知识问卷回答正确率从4.22%上升至97.95%。回国后疟疾罹患率干预组显著低于对照组,干预组疟疾罹患率为0.18%,第一对照组疟疾罹患率为1.12%,第二对照组疟疾罹患率为1.50%。干预组在国外期间疟疾患病率显著低于对照组。结论 综合干预措施对控制劳务人员在国外和回国后的疟疾疫情有显著作用。


  中图分类号:R512.91  文献标识码:B

  Effectiveness of comprehensive intervention model on importedmalaria among labor service personnels to Africa

  HU Yun*, CHENG Xin, WU Hai-lei, LUO-lan

  *Zhenjiang Branch,Jiangsu International Travel Health CareCenter, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212008, China

  Abstract: Objective  To develop comprehensive interventionprogram on imported malaria among labor service personnels toAfrica. Methods  According to the malaria epidemic andcharacteristics in 2006-2013 of country,  Jiangsu Province andZhenjiang City, the labor service personnel to the African malariaepidemic were selected as research subjects, and divided intointervention and control groups. The intervention process wasdivided into medical advice before going abroad, prevention andcontrol techniques counseling during abroad, follow-up survey afterreturning. The situation of knowledge and attack rate on malariawere compared between the two groups during abroad and afterreturning, meanwhile, the effectiveness of interventions wereevaluated. Results  The rates of correct answers to malariaknowledge questions increased from 4.22% to 97.95% in theintervention group. After returning, the prevalence of malaria inthe intervention group was significantly lower than that in the twocontrol groups with 0.18% for the intervention group, 1.12% for thefirst control and 1.49% for the second control groups. During thetime abroad, the prevalence of malaria in the intervention groupwas also significantly lower than that in the control groups.Conclusion  The comprehensive intervention program had asignificant effect on the control of the malaria epidemic amonglabor service personnel abroad and after returning.

  Key words: Effectiveness; Evaluation; Falciparum malaria;Imported; Intervention model; Labor service




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